Yo Newgrounds! The last couple months have been wild.
I hosted, did sound and music for a HALLOWEEN COLLAB! The 3rd consecutive Dr. Good's Operating Theatre which made daily 1st, weekly 5th, was front paged and turned into a beautiful ass banner. Thank you to whoever did that!
I voiced the insufferable fetus monster in my great friends toon which is partially in the Halloween Collab but the full version is here on Youtube ----> Sugoi Spooksters.
I had a great learning experience releasing the Astromon! Teaser and setting up an Indiegogo which I talked about on the The Newgrounds Podcast (my first time on a podcast!) Still figuring out how I will make Astromon! happen but very grateful for the support I did receive.
Late last month, I did last minute sound for a Madness Inspired Animation. I think it turned out pretty fun.
ALSO, I have 374 fans on Newgrounds which doesn't seem like a lot but means a lot to me! Thanks for following!
Thank you everyone who was a part of Dr. Good's Operating Theatre 2021 and/or supports anything I do.
I appreciate you!
Here's to more future collabs ;)
Bye bitchz
freakin epic!